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Opening hours

Mon – Thu

As the Museum and Puppet Theater in Kolk are still closed, the opening hours refer to our TheaterFigurenMobil at St. Petri Churchyard. Feel free to stop by!

Photo: Lutz Roeßler

Prices KOLK 17 Puppet Theatre

Here you will find all relevant information about the prices at KOLK 17 Puppet Theatre.

Evening Program

Family Program – Regular

Family Program – Children up to 12 years

25 Euro

11 Euro

8 Euro

Pupils, students, and trainees, as well as participants in voluntary services (BFD, FSJ, FÖJ), up to the age of 26

15 Euro

(A valid proof must be presented at the entrance without being asked)

Persons with severe disabilities marked with "B" in their disability ID card

Free ticket for the accompanying person

(This booking is not available online. To book the free ticket for the accompanying person, please contact our staff at the theater box office.)


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