Exhibition preparations are always exciting and the last few weeks before the opening are the most intense and beautiful phase of the work – the pieces arrive, are positioned, everything starts to take shape. And now, fast forward to the middle of 2021 – how does this traditional experience compare with our virtual exhibition and research project Who’s talking? Six artistic views of the KOLK 17 collection”?
Here, the works are assembled for the exhibition. However we as the curation team do not yet know what exactly will eventually be chosen for exhibition. More challenging still is that the locations of this curation and artistic team-work span a network from China via Mali to Germany. While we fine-tune the technical requirements and the design of the exhibition in Lübeck and Berlin, the artist Li Shasha, for example, is researching a specific form of Chinese puppet theatre: “Iron-rod puppet theatre” together with her film team on site in Chaozhou. Her film research is in full swing – click on the video below and hear from the artist herself!