by | 28 May 2021 | process, symposium, who's talking?

Irina Demina

Irina Demina is a choreographer and dance artist, based in Berlin. 

Irina made her dance education in Moscow and Hamburg, graduated from Moscow State Lomonosov University (Faculty of Philology) and received Master degree in Choreography at Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin (HZT). 

 As a dancer she worked with choreographers Xavier le Roy, Jochen Roller, Angela Guerreiro, Soodong Jung, Jessica Nupen, Halla Olafsdottir etc. 

 Since 2008 she is developing her own choreographic projects and works as a dance artist worldwide (“KLOF” 2021, “On the Silver Planet” 2021, “Herbarium LAB” 2019, “Be Water, My Friend” 2017, “Banshee Ragout” 2017, “TRAUMLABOR. *reality check*” 2016, “Accumulalalation” 2014 etc). For her performances and choreographies Irina has received national and international awards. On behalf of various institutions Irina was invited for choreographic residences in Germany, South Korea, Norway, Spain, Hungary, Russia etc. 

Important artistic questions

 Who defines the materiality of the body?

 Who gives it value – and why?

 How to imagine new possibilities of what the body can do, and how this can work against the normative?

How to push the limits of corporeal materiality and reconsider how we might (re)define the body as we have always known it?

How to create space for historically othered bodies? 

How to create proximity and inclusive opportunities for connection?   

Should we refuse to adjust to the idea, the institution of “body” that alienates us?

first aid kit

 research, imagination, experimentation, dialogue.

 Embracing perfection of imperfections 

mysteries in the collection

A universe of untold and unheard stories. (but do they actually want to tell these stories to us?) 

 Volumes of histories of bodies that have been denied access and voice.  

An ocean of legends, myths, memoires, anecdotes, adventures and tragedies. 

Photo: © Katja Strempel 

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